Version 9.38
New features:
- New hawk version
- Energy arrow
- New nav boxes (Task speed, Time on task)
- minor bug fixes
Version 9.19
New features:
- S10D NMEA settings
- SC and VP switching via NMEA
- Demo mode for the traffic
- Support for new BT module
- Support for new Acc/Gyro
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- SPO2 fixes
- NEO9 GPS issue fix
- HAWK improvements
Version 9.15
New features:
- Added possibility to reset HAWK
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
Version 9.11
New features:
- Added HawkNetto to thermal assistant colorization
- Audio mute at PPT
- Small stability improvements
- Visual FLARM alarms were not displayed on double units
Version 9.08
- Traffic audio alterts triggered only on master device
- Calculations improvements
- Wind page improvements(arrow and plane)
- Flarm sound distance bug
- HAWK needle fixes
- In same cases not showing Vario or SC options in menu
- AHRS not leveling in some casesu
Version 8.07
New features:
- Wind screen more data are present including plane and orientation
- Added support for 20m Multi-Seat class
- Wind orientation showing more correctly
- Fixed not showing FLARM warnings in some cases
- HAWK cursor showing
- Auto brightness in menu showing fixed
- Cursor not showing in rare cases
Version 8.02
New features:
- Added HAWK capability, read more about HAWK here.
- Added align accelerometer to menu
- Auto flap menu setting is now possible up to 60 seconds
- Stability bugfix (sometimes crossing the finish line is causing instability of device)
Version 7.10
- Added informations about ADSB version
- Added gliding efficiency navbox
- IGCST renamed to IGCALT
- Minor UI fixes
Version 7.09
New features:
- Changing frequencies based on selected waypoint/task point if bridge with radio connected (one time reloading of waypoint file recommended)
- Navbox showing waypoint frequency (one time reloading of waypoint file recommended)
- Auto brightness fixed
Version 7.08
New features:
- Added additional digital inputs types (Canopy open and tail dolly)
- Added NMEA test dialog (Main menu -> Hardware -> NMEA Test)
- Added possibility to delete full task
- Added heading on AHRS screen
- Added support for 13.5m gliders
- Additional navboxes required L in flown L
- Added test sound button in sound menu
- Added possibility to reset airspace warnings showing (Wpt/Tsk screen menu -> Res. AS war.)
- Varioparam menu AutoSC UI improvements
- Altitude warning now showing current altitude
- Altitude warning added audio speech warning
- Speeds menu speed limits improvements
- Formating device is now clearing all data from device (including wapoints, airspaces, flarmnet)
- Not showing warnings in AHRS screen anymore
- Disabled layout editing in admin mode
- Airspace error is showing for to big file
- Improved loading of FLARMNet file
- Thermal page automatic switching improved
- Flights saved on external SD card has correct date/time
- Showing flarm errors
- Flarm dialog ICAO address showing bugfix
- Task edit dialog UI fixes
- Flaps menu UI fixes
Version 7.05
- bugfixes and improvements
Version 7.03
- thermal screen improvements
Version 7.02
- bugfixes and improvements
Version 7.00
- added new scales desing
- added new cursors
- added nonlinear scale
- added radio bridge support
- added task/save/export/delete
- added airspace warnings
- added AAT possibility
- added navigate to nearest
- added near list
- added new navbox layout
- added task remain navbox
- added wind on BT and PDA port
- added waypoint elevation settings
- improved flap tape (more smoother)
- improved waypoints names loaded from cup files
- improved loading waypoints files and airspaces. Files are now saved in the device, so you don’t need the SD card for them to load anymore.
- improved MacCready/Bugs/Ballast dialog visibility
- improved PDA for second seat
- bugfixes and stability improvements
Version 6.47
- bugfixes and stability improvements
Version 6.45
- added task edit/save/delete/export
- multiselect .cup files
- added NMEA settings (choose NMEA sentences type)
- added navbox altitude gain in thermal
- added flarm configuration
- added airspace warnings
- added admin mode
- added posibility to change red cursor style
- added navigate to nearest point
- added wind on PDA and BT port
- added waypoint elevation
- PDA improvements for second seat
- bugfixes and stability improvements
Version 6.25
- added zone elevation edit
- added loading CUP files with tasks
- added navigation functions in thermal screen
- added flarm for club versions
- various bugfixes and improvements
Version 6.14
- Profiles improvement and bugfixes
- AHRS password lock
- various bugfixes and improvements
Version 6.00
- added Profiles
- showing Vario/SC mode on scale
- editing navboxes according to a SC/Vario mode
- flarm showing bugfixes and improvements
- added possibility for leveling AHRS
- NMEA improvements for showing file copying status
- various bugfixes and improvements
Version 5.52
- implemented flap tape
- implemented speed tape
- Fixed bug with AHRS licensing
- minor bug fixes
Version 5.50
- implemented flap sensor option
- AHRS licensing for repeater units
- added icing symbol
- fixed issue with displaying flarm net data
- managing with external targets from GPS or PDA
- displaying of flarm warnings
- improved communication with Oudie
- minor bug fixes
Version 5.43
- Battery management
- Bug fixes
Version 5.36
- Minor bug fixes
Version 5.33
- More user friendly firmware update over ZFW file
- Power management improvements
- Battery management
- AHRS fixes (offset, on/off)
- Declaration from Oudie
- Declaration to nano, nano3 and flarm
- Fixed direct link
- Supported new remote stick
- Minor bug fixes
Version 1.00
- Initial release