This product has been discontinued.
Ideal Traffic Information and
Backup Navigation for Club Use!
Flarmview2 displays traffic information provided by FLARM or ADS-B A/C devices. It also displays climb rate, altitude and distance for the selected target. It uses the FLARMNET database for friendly target names. It navigates to waypoints and tasks and displays airspace. Everything is on a display with QVGA resolution which is extremely readable under sun light. It is an ideal solution for Club use!
Very Bright Display
Traffic view
Shows all different types of FLARM objects, ADS-B objects and PCAS if appropriate external devices are connected.
FLARM Visual Radar with Audible Warnings.
The radar shows all necessary data. Present position, altitude and vario reading are seen on the map. Automatic POP-UPs appear for a new alert when a potential collision might happen.