Standalone G-meter indicates and logs g-forces with an integrated high precision digital pressure sensor and inertial platform. The unit has standard dimension of 57 mm (2,25″) diameter.
Very Bright Display
Times Sampled per second
3 Push Buttons. SD Card.
Used for a simplified handling during the flight or ground operations. Micro SD card for data exchange (SW update and Flight downloads).
Inertial platform with +-16g accelerometer. Device is showing current g-load in navbox/needle and it’s min-max values in bar. Last flight min/max load navboxes are persistent till next flight. Min/Max limits with Warning zones can be defined.
MicroSD Card. Ambient Light Sensor.
MicroSD card socket for data exchange and ALS for energy saving.
Metric or Imperial or Custom units!
Real Time Data is displayed on a QVGA 320×240 pixel 2.5-inch high brightness colour display.
The logbook menu displays the list of flights. If the RTC time is set properly the take-off and landing time shown will be correct. Each flight item consists of the maximum positive g-load, the maximum negative g-load from the flight and the maximum IAS. This function is available only with “FR” version.
Every detail of you flight can be analysed on PC. Use the SeeYou software found HERE