Profile Collection
Share your profile.
With the new LX Styler you are capable to share your pilot profile with other pilots. Every profile you share, you help to expand profile collection that is available to other pilots and with that you motivate others to the the same. This is a great opportunity to improve our default profile and make the device even better. Open Profile Collection…
Profile collection is a public collection of profiles that were uploaded by users. Profile collection can be accessed at Profile Collection. Here You can search for profile name, or select some filters to find a profile that would fit the best for your needs.
Profiles upload
Profile upload is done through LX Styler. You can upload profile to your private cloud storage service (Dropbox, Google Drive etc.) or you can set it to upload it to a Profile Collection (
LX Styler Profile Collection confirmation

Profile View

Window that will be showed when you first time run LX Styler.
Profiles could be uploaded to a Profile Collection as:
- LXNAV Connect user will be listed as uploader (you will have to login to LXNAV Connect in LX Styler).
- Uploading can be completely disabled
Inside LX Styler you can manually upload profile to your cloud service (LXNAV Connect) or to LXNAV website:
- First button is to open a profile from Profile Collection (Web)
- Second button is to upload a profile to a Profile Collection (Web)
- Third button is to download a profile from the LXNAV Connect
- Forth button is to upload a profile from the LXNAV Connect