My name is Maciej Kowalski, I’m 22 years old and I am glider and plane pilot. I spend in the sailplane about 1200h flying something like 60.000km. Next to aviation I like listening to piano music, especially Chopin, and playing chess. I’ m attending to the Polish Academy of Applied Sciences in Chełm city, gaining licenses needed for being an airline pilot. I was Junior Gliding National Champion two times, in 2018 and 2020.
I have been a member of Junior National Team of Poland for 5 years, and of Aeroclub Kielce for 8 years. My first flight instructor, who enthused me with aviation when I was very young, was my dad, Piotr. He is specialized mostly in aerobatics. But for me cross-country flights are that, what fascinates me the most. From the beginning I knew that it is a specialty in which I want to spend rest of my life.
Last 5 years I took part in several gliding competitions, mostly in a club class glider. All of my contest flights was supported with LX S100 vario. It is surely the best option for gliders with not much space in the cockpit. This year I discovered also the HAWK option, which is worth having it, especially at windy conditions.
This year I was representing my country on 6 Junior Europaunion Gliding Championships, starting on ASW20F. Thanks to GetSponsored Programme, I was able to race using the best configuration which probably exist, when you borrow a glider: LX S100 with Oudie 2, Flarm „PowerMouse” and LX NANO for a backup. Equipment helped me perfectly during all season.


My name is Jesse Seijler, 24 years old and i started gliding back in 2013 at Aero Club Salland in The Netherlands. Gliding was always a big thing in my family. My grandpa, mom, dad, uncles are all glider pilots, so it wasn’t a surprise that i started gliding as well. I got my license when I turned 16 and from that moment everything became even better. I always was amazed by the stories of guys who came back from cross-country flights and that’s when I knew I had to do that as well. After I got my license i started XC flying, and it is fantastic.

In the winter of 2022, a mate and I bought a beautiful LS3 and LXNAV gave me the opportunity to get one of the best navigation instruments. LXNAV gave me a LX8030. I like it very much because it has a bigger screen then de 8080 with the same 80mm fitting. I also like the Wi-Fi function, it’s a very convenient option to upload flights to scoring sites.

I am really happy with the LX8030 and started to create a new panel. The LX8030 fits perfectly in the LS3 and its ready to make a lot of great flights. I am grateful for the opportunity, and I’d like to thank the LXNAV team for everything.


“My name is Chloé Dalle Palle, I’m 28 years old and I’m sponsored by LXNAV for 2023 gliding season. I flew in different gliding clubs and regions from north east to south west of France.

As studying and working were my priority, I had a long path in gliding. I started gliding at age 13, but I only flew 15m and 18m class glider at age 26. I’m now the happy owner of a 15m class rocket, but I’m still very attached to lovely club class.

I had a very good experience with the S80 vario at my last regional junior championship. This year, as I’m in 2 different classes, LXNAV provided me an awesome Nano 4 logger !

The things I like the most with the Nano are that, first, it’s easy to set your task, you can display useful navboxes for starting task, and it is really fast to send your flight.

Thank you LXNAV to believe in young (and not so young) pilots. You are a great team, and a great support !”


My name is Ferdinand Berger and I am 24 years old. I started flying when I was 15 years old in Friedrichshafen at Lake Constance. Since then I collect about 700 flying hours. In my second competition I was able to gain my first experience with LXnav devices and was convinced by the well thought out operation and setting possibilities. After that I gained more experience with a LX9xxx which is installed in the clubs DG1001M. In addition, I was able to use the S100 Vario in many flights over the Swabian Alb. This has convinced me so much that since this year it is also in the LS4 with which I fly the DMJ. Such a device reduces the load on long flights or difficult competition flights. I was also able to try out the HAWK at the DMJ and in the mountains. Simply great the wind in real
time. Many thanks to LXNAV for supporting me!


My Name is Nico Lütt. I am 20 Years old. I fly in the South of Germany in a club called Fliegergruppe Wolf-Hirth. I started flying in 2018 and got my license in 2020. Since then I have flown over 480 hours. In 2022 I flew my first competition. This year I am able to compete at the German Junior Nationals and hopefully many more competitions. Most of the Gilders I fly are Lx equipped and it’s really fun to fly with them and I wouldn’t fly without it. Therefore I am really happy to be a part of LXNAV #GETSPONSORED this Year. Thanks LXNAV for letting me use the Nano4 for this Season. For me it’s a great Back-Up Logger for the Gliders I fly. It also helped me a lot in the German Junior Nationals. So Thanks to LXNav for this great Opportunity for me and all the other GetSponsored Pilots!


My name is Alessandro Bassalti, I’m 22 years and from Italy. I gained my license back in 2017 and started fly in competitions a couple years later. I have always been fascinated by aviation world thanks to my dad and I founded my way in gliding as soon as I could. I’m member of the Italian national team and this summer I’m participating in the Junior European Gliding Championship in Denmark. Thanks to the #getsponsored program I was able to use a NANO 4 logger for the 2023 season. I’m using it as a portable logger role that fits perfectly thanks to his touch screen. When flying cross- country the device leaves lot of freedom in choosing the task even if already on the runway. Furthermore, for what I know, the NANO 4 is the only portable logger that can boast to be able to upload file via Wi-Fi and the only one the have the PEV start procedure implemented. I really thank LXNAV for giving me this opportunity


Hello, my name is Šimon Šiška and I would like to briefly introduce myself as a glider pilot, thermal and wave hunter, member of Slovak Junior Gliding Team and huge aviation enthusiast.

I am 23 years old, raised by an aeroclub and since I entered the gliding world 8 years ago by gaining my glider pilot licence I have always wanted to aim high. Stunning Slovak mountains surrounding my home aeroclub at Martin always supported my adventurous soul and so, shortly after I flew my first XC flights I started with competition flying.

LX 9070 and my Asw 24 started to be a perfect team for me during all my adventures while counting tourists on the Slovak mountain ridges, while seeking strong thermals, best energy lines, catching the perfect wave and (last but not least) during competitions.

It is great to rock the skies with the best instrument a gliding world has ever seen and it is my honor to show it off and pleasure to be part of LxNav GETSPONSORED Team.


Hi, I am Jens Kammerer. I’m from Bruchsal, Germany and fly gliders since 2016. This year I am sponsored by LXNav and I want to tell you about my experience in the following. Ever since my first competition back in 2021 I noticed the great advantadge good instruments can give you. Back then our club`s DG300 was only equipped with the basic instruments alongside an E-variometer. In May 2022 I was thankfully able to compete with a Discus 2 that had an LX9000 built
in. I really enjoyed the reliability and all the great features oft the device. In consequence I decided to apply for the #GetSponsored 2023. I received an LX8030 with a V8 Variometer Unit. As I‘m one of four sport soldiers this year the device has already proven ist capabilities during many occasions. I want to mention the German Junior Championship that took place in Aalen during June. I really felt confident with regards to the handling oft the DG300 as well as the 8030. I had a great time and was able to qualify for the German National Junior Gliding Team as well as the participation in the JEGC
2025 in Prievidza. Many Thanks go to LXNav for having me in the #GetSponsored program!


My Name is Nils Heck, i am 21 years old. I currently live near cologne and i am studying renewable energies anymore. I discovered my passion for gliding back in 2015 when my grandma invited me for a host flight at Eudenbach. There i completed my education in 2018 as a part of the club „Kölner
Segelflieger“. To be honest, my grandma is most responsible for that i started gliding. But without the support of local, very well experienced, competition pilots this should not have been possible. They kept me motivated for cross country flying and Competitions. Up to now i look back at more than 900 hours of gliding experience and 7 competitions. At german nationals in 2021 i was able to qualifiy for the national gliding Team and the Junior European Championships in Arnborg (Denmark) this year. Now i upgraded our Club´s Ls4 with an LX 8030, sponsored by LXNAV. I was able to test it intensively at the german nationals this year and i am totally enthusiastic about the different functions. It definetely will be a huge advantage at the European Championships and competition flying in general. Thank you very much LXNAV for giving us juniors this great opportunity 😛


My name is Christian Weidemann, I’m 24 years old and I love flying my LS1 cross country and in competitions. With my YouTube channel “Christian Fliegt” I try to take others with me on my adventures and encourage young pilots to fly long distances.
I am very excited to be sponsored by LXnav with an S100 in 2023, as I consider it to be the most powerful variometer currently available. I was also very intrigued by the new HAWK option. And I have to say, after having flown with it for a few hours already, that this vario is absolutely top notch.
It is characterised by very intuitive operation and good readability. Especially strategic parameters can be read quickly and easily, so that tactical and strategic decisions can be made well. Other features, such as good connectivity with other systems like Flarm or XCSoar and the fact that an IGC-approved logger and a backup battery are integrated, make this vario ideal for use at competitions.

When I fly with gliders that don’t have such advanced instrumentation, I always use nano4, which I received in the get sponsored program. That way I can show my best performance regardless of the glider I fly.

I’m really thankful to LXNAV for all the support I have received.


Hello, my name is François-Xavier Poisson, and I’m 17 years old. In 2022 I was French junior champion in the club class and I’m now part of the French gliding centre « Pôle espoir ». I started gliding 3 years ago in 2020 in the Buno Bonnevaux club.

The south of Paris is an excellent playground for long flights, and in fact the period from June to the end of August is the period when you can do 500km or more, or even 1000km days once or twice. The LX NAV equipment is extremely useful on my flights, and I have an LX nano 4, a small gps that’s very handy when there’s no lx9000 in the club gliders. It has all the information and functions you need. This season, Lx nav are lending me a Flarm view 2, which is very useful in competitions, not only for safety, but also for choosing your route, as you can use the Flarm view 2 to find out the vz of competitors further away. The discus 2b and the pégase that I’m going to use for competitions are also both equipped with an s100, which is a very good additional support for carrying out tasks.

A big thank you to LXNAV for their support, the opportunity they offer to young competitors and their quality glider Equipment.


My name is Ludvig Jauring, I’m 23 years old and I’m a Swedish junior glider pilot. In my family I am a third-generation pilot, following my father and my grandfather before him. My journey started in 2015, and so far, I’ve flown 4 national competitions, 1 international competition and gathered 400
hours and 18000+ km distance flown. Last year I got myself my first owned glider, a DG-100G which is a good low-budget glider with plenty
of performance, but the instruments were outdated. So, a good modern gliding-computer was needed. I am very thankful to LXNAV for lending me a LX8080, a perfect complete solution for a small instrument panel like the DG. With the computer installed I managed to collect some good flight training, including a 600 km declared task and some free flight after that, getting 9 h in one flight, which was just amazing. My experience with the entire system, especially the V8 variometer and the file handling has been flawless so far! This year I have been selected to represent Sweden in the Junior European Gliding Championship in August and it feels amazing. Any junior with the commitment and ambition can come this far, especially when LXNAV lends the opportunity to accelerate the development of young talents! Huge thank you to LXNAV and the #getsponsored program and for the fantastic LX8080 computer + variometer. You are the best!


I am thrilled to have been sponsored by LXNAV, a leading company in aviation technology, and to have received their cutting-edge portable IGC
navigation device: NANO4. As I prepare to participate in the Junior European Championship, I am confident that this state-of-the-art instrument will greatly enhance my performance as a backup logger. After the championship the device will become a fully-fledged navigation and flight recorder in a glider without LX9070.
The IGC navigation device is a game-changer for gliders, offering a comprehensive set of features designed to optimize navigation. During flight I can compare data and statistics from NANO4 and LX9070 within seconds, enabling me to make informed decisions about tasks. This is made possible by the device's intuitive user interface and customizable display. With its advanced GPS functionality, I can precisely track my position, altitude, and perform final glide calculations. I can access this information at a glance, even in intense sunlight, as the NANO4’s display remains readable without
In conclusion, I am immensely grateful to LXNAV for their generous sponsorship and for providing me with their exceptional NANO4. With the
support of LXNAV and the advanced features of the NANO4 and LX9070, I am fully equipped to participate in the Junior European Championship with
confidence and determination.


I’m glad to be sponsored by LXNAV, this big brand in gliding, mainly in IGC recording equipment. My name is Lukáš Kříž, and I am 20 years old. I hail from the Czech Republic and belong to the Aeroclub Křižanov, which is located in the middle of the highlands. I have been actively involved in gliding for the past five years, and I must admit that it has become an integral part of my life. I have been close to gliding since I was a child. Every weekend, when it was nice weather, I spent time with my father at the airport. During my younger years, I constructed a small free model glider (class: F1H and A3) and
even won a few medals in championships. In my 16 years I did a glider license. And the following year, 2021, I participated in the Czech junior gliding championship and finished in second place, and I finished first at two regional competitions, so I was nominated for the Czech National gliding team.
In 2022, my biggest achievement was participating in the Junior World gliding Championships. In this year 2023 I was selected for the Junior European gliding Championship I want to express my sincere gratitude to LXNAV for providing me with the Nano4 as a backup recorder. With this cutting-edge equipment, I am confident and fully prepared to compete at the European Championship and give my best performance. Once again, I thank LXNAV for their sponsorship and support, as it has bolstered my determination and readiness for the upcoming Junior European gliding Championship.


I’m Michal Okon, and I’m excited to share my journey with LXNAV’s “GETSPONSORED” program.

I’m a glider pilot that is based in Zamosc in Poland. My adventure with flying gliders started when I was 17 and since then I have spread my wings. I started competing in 2019 and clinched victory at the 2020 Junior Nationals. As a result, I joined the Junior National Polish Gliding Team in 2020 and have been a part of it since.
LXNAV’s “GETSPONSORED” program has been a game-changer. It’s equipped me with state-of-the-art technology, elevating my performance to new levels. During this season, I got a chance to try out the LX8030- a device equipped with new software that supports recent Polish rules for AAT competition rules. It helped me win one of the competitions this season!

As I continue to chase my dreams, I’m excited about the limitless possibilities with LXNAV by my side. Together, we’re reaching for the skies, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.


My name’s Barbora, I am 23 year’s old and I am from a flying family which is based in Zbraslavice, Czech Republic.

I started flying in 2012 and flew my first competition in 2014. Since then I’ve been trying to keep on improving and gaining more and more experience with each of my flight as I completely fell in love with gliding, so I applied for Get Sponsored partnership to be equipped with precise device to be able to focus on all the important parts of my flight. I usually fly beloved ASW-19B Charlie Foxtrot and since 2016 I “cheat” on him with different gliders only occasionally​. And so I chose S100 it is a device which provides it all, reliable navigation and accurate variometer with large display. I’ve flown many competitions since 2014 including Czech Nationals since 2016. In 2016 I managed to be a daily winner at the Nationals and year later I managed to acquire 8th place in total and I became Czech woman champion in club class.

This year I forwarded the title to my wingwoman Klára Teichmannová and I became Czech woman vice-champion.

I hope that more and bigger achievements will come in the future and I am so grateful LXNAV supports me in what I love in 2019.

Thank you!


My name is Davide Giovanelli, I am 23 years old, I am a swiss glider pilot. I have flown since 2010, I have 1350 flight hours and I flew over than 58000km.

I discovered the #getsponsored program on facebook and I decided to apply for it. After a month, at the beginning of February, I received an email from LXNAV: “welcome to our team” LXNAV is my first sponsor, I am very honored to represent this company. The LX9070 was a big surprise and a challenge, which I decided to accept, I couldn’t believe that they had chosen me for such an important device.

Changing the panel, mounting the device, and learning a new system required a lot of energy, however the efforts were worth the result. Its complete customization allowed me to bring what I really need into the cockpit. Normally you have to adapt to changes, I thought I should do some training flights to take full advantage of my new panel. The LX9070 wasn’t a change, its ease of use put me in the condition to perform immediately on the first flight. My first sensation was: “I have ever flown with this instrument”.

My expectations at the beginning of the season were too high, I couldn’t reach all the goals, but I could achieve some important results together with my device. I flow six flights of more than 600km, the biggest one was 893km. I won the Italian gliding championship on club class, and I reached the third place at the Swiss junior championship. LX9070 was the missing gear between me, the glider and the air. Have a reliable instrument is important in order to perform. I am fully in tune with the instrument, my feelings corresponds to the displayed information, therefore I thrust LX9070 if the situation become difficult.

I’m really proud to have tested this device during my performance flights and competitions 😉


I’m Sophie from Germany and I’m 17 years old.

When I was a child my father took me to the airfield. I started flying when I was 14 years old. I’m flying at the SFG Giulini gliding-club near Mannheim. For me it’s more than a hobby, it’s a passion. When I got my licence one year ago I started flying at competitions, for example the German national championship for women in 2018.

At the nationals I flew a DG300 with an LX8080 instrument so I’ve already proven it’s utility for competition. For 2019 I applied get sponsored and got a LX8080 for my sponsored glider a LS8 Neo. Now I have great equipment and it’s helping me a lot. Inserting task is very simple so you have enough time to relax and concentrate on other things. The LX8080 is easy to use and has a lot of nice features. A great feature for example is the possibility to display other gliders as a target in LX8080, so I can avoid near misses or close calls.

The partnership with LXNAV give you the possibility to test out some really nice instruments.

Thank you LXNAV for this possibilities .


Hi, I’am Selina “Sally” Mihalyi, 27 years from Germany. My club is the LSC Interflug Berlin in Friedersdorf. You usually meet me in the cockpit of my ASW19b.

Aviation has always been my passion and at age 21 I finally saved enough money to start flying. The year 2019 was my fourth season with license and with the 2nd place of the Berlin championship also the most successful so far.

LX NAV contributed a great deal to this by providing me with the NANO logger. Using the handy logger, I was able to declare my tasks quickly and easily. The enormous battery life makes the logger very reliable and you do not have to sacrifice one of the rare power sockets in the tent at competitions every night.

I am more than excited with this device and I highly recommend it to anyone. You can find out more about me at:

Many thanks to LX NAV for their support this season!


My name is Rokas and I am a 25 year old glider pilot from Lithuania. My home club is Pociūnai, where I started gliding with LAK16 sailplanes when I was 10 years old. This year I was flying with club class gliders Jantar Std 3 and Pegasus 101A.

At the start of the season I participated in the Antanas Rukas Cup and Lithuanian national club class championship. During these competitions, I had an amazing opportunity to try the LXNAV S100. It is a highly accurate digital variometer which surprised me with its precision and brightness of the big screen.

As a member of the Lithuanian gliding team, I also participated in the 11th FAI Junior World Gliding Championships in Szeged. Although unseen Hungarian gliding areas were completely new to me, it was very easy to navigate, thanks to the LXNAV 9000 in my cockpit. It took me just a few days to make the most of this device and enjoy successful flights.

After this season, it would be difficult to imagine gliding without LXNAV products, therefore I am so grateful to the LXNAV team for this opportunity.


My name is Jan Schulz, I’m 19 years old and my homebase is in Isny / Allgäu, Germany.

At the age of 13 I started my glider training, my first solo flight was on my 14th birthday and I got my Glider pilot license one week after my 16th birthday. Gliding is my passion.

With my Glasflügel Hornet, the support of LXNav and the sponsored S10 Vario, I was able to complete numerous good flights this year.

Directly at the beginning of the season 2019 I won the Junior Qualification Championship in Oerlinghausen.

I also did a lot of nice long and exciting flights with my glider and the S10 Vario.

With this success I have been invited to become a member for Baden-Württemberg Junior Gliding Team (D-Kader).

I applied for the S10 Vario from LX Nav, because I wanted to have a gliding instrument that is reliable even with total failure of the other systems and it´s also IGC approved. The settings in the S10 were very easy to program and it is very intuitive to use. If it happens that the glider-batteries are empty before the end of a long flight, with the S10 you can still finish your flight without any critical issues.

Thank you to LXNAV for your support for a great chance to try this device.


I am Kiki Šantrůčková, 23 years old. I´m from the aeroclub Podhořany (VAP), which is in the middle of the Czech Republic. I have been flying since I was 14.
I am usually flying ASW15b and my dream glider is LS8 Neo, ASG29, or HPH 304 Shark.
2019 was my 3rd competition season and I´m very proud that LXNAV has been my sponsor this year! I contacted LXNAV because I wanted to get the LX8080 as this instrument is perfect for my ASW15 – it´s small and doing all what I need.
When I first flew with it, I totally fell in love with it and wondered how I could fly without such a device – is absolutely perfect!

Thanks to LX8080 I got missing diamond badge and next year I look forward to better myself. In the future I would love to try LX 9000 with Wi-Fi module or Nano4.

Because I am a student, I know how hard it is to make money for flying, let alone buy a new device to glider.

i am very happy for sponsoring. Do not forget follow me on Instagram, @kikisantruckova. There you will be able to check up how my season is going!


I am Florian, a 23-year old glider pilot from Stockholm, Sweden.

I have been dreaming of flying since I was a little child, and at age 19 I had saved enough to start taking flying lessons at Östra Sörmlands Aeroclub in Sörmland, Sweden. From my first attempt at a cross-country flight, I was hooked on gliding and especially competition flying.

This year I was sponsored with the Nano 4, and got some amazing results. I managed to catch 7 prizes in the Swedish National Online Competition in bothspeed, distance, and altitude, and got recruited to the Swedish Junior Gliding Team.Now the goal is to take my Jantar Standard and go to the Junior Nordic Championships in Denmark and then on to the Junior World Championships in the Czech Republic and bring home some medals!

The Nano 4 is amazingly useful. It worked really great together with XC-soar, which made navigating and file management so much easier. I used the bluetooth function toconnect my phone, and could easily upload tasks and download logg-files. It also features an amazing battery life and easy to use interface. Flying with the Nano 4 is a privilege.

A big thanks to LX Nav for this sponsorship!ilege. A big thanks to LX nav for this sponsorship!


I am Christian Polizzano from Germany. I am 20 years old, and I am flying since I was 14.

My favorite airplane is the Ls8 “SM“ from our gliding club in Mannheim, which is my home airfield.
My dreamed glider is the Ls8e-neo with the FES, which I think will be the future in terms of glider propulsion.

My greatest achievement in the year 2019 is an almost 800 km triangle with the Ls8. Thanks to the NANO3 that I got sponsored by LX Nav, I could log my flight without any problems. The NANO3 is a perfect device that is simple to operate and very handy.

I am looking forward to flying greater distances next year and to use the full capacity of my glider and my equipment from LX Nav.

Thank you LX Nav to give young pilots the opportunity to try your high-end equipment which is one big step towards success in the gliding scene!


I am Balázs Laktis, from Budapest, Hungary. I’m 25 years old, and I have been flying since 2010 and I have been competing since 2014. I had mostly flown in Club class but since this season I had to changed to Standard class. In 2019 I got the chance to fly at Junior World Championship. I finished 15th – my greatest achievement.

In the #getsponsored program I chose the S10 standalone variometer. In my opinion, this variometer is the best in its category, because of the accuracy, user-friendly interface, lots of interesting options and of course the fantastic display.

I’m very pleased to be a part of this #getsponsored program, it helped me a lot in this busy but successful season! Thank you LXNAV!


My name is Jonas Pitschen, I’m 23 years old and I come from Switzerland. I usually
fly from the airport Buttwil in the Gliding Club Zurich in the middle of Switzerland with
a variety of destinations like the Alps, Blackforest, Swabian Alb, Jura Hills and many
more. Two days after my 16th birthday I got my gliding licence. This season was my
sixth with competitions. So far I’ve spent 600 hours with the most beautiful hobby
hobby in the world.

At the beginning of this year I was able to fullfill my dream of flying my own glider. I
had the opportunity to buy a wonderful Discus 2b. I think the dream of every gliding
owner is to have a large moving map computer in the cockpit. So I decided to ask LX
NAV to sponsor me with the LX 9070 and to my astonishment they said YES!
Together with the Nano 4 which I bought two years ago it’s simply an amazing

The highlight of this year for me was the Junior World Gliding
Championships in Szeged, Hungary. I could
improve my gliding skills and learned a lot. I was able to finish three races in the top
12. In 2020 I will try to fly as much as possible and i will already start the preparation for
the next JWGC 2021 in Czech Republic.

I want to say thank you to LX NAV for this great idea to support young ambitious


I’m Karolis Mikalauskas from Lithuania. Currently 27 years old. Probably for most of the glider pilots Lithuania associated with Pociunai airfield, but I‘m from second biggest, Paluknys – next to our capital Vilnius. In my only 2nd competitive gliding season even though I already travelled the world with gliding as part of the national team. I fly Jantar Std.2 in club class as most of the glider pilots in eastern Europe.

2019 went way much better than expected before the start of the season. In cups ended 3rd and 1st overall. Grabbed my first win(!), but most importantly finished 5th overall in Lithuanian Club class nationals. All results could not be achieved without S100 sponsored by LXNAV. I loved it from the first flight. It has a full package of functions which totally fulfil glider pilot needs at this stage of career as mine for sure. I truly believe it is the best instrument for its money.

Before applying to the Get Sponsored program I was 100% sure I won’t be selected as I flew only one competitive, but LXNAV boosted my glider pilot career.

Big thank you LXNAV for the trust!


I am Pieter Daems, 23 years old and form Belgium. Officially, I started gliding at the age of 14 (which was te minimum age in Belgium some years ago), but dit my first flight at the age of 3. My dad was a gliding instructor, so it was obvious that I soon would start gliding as well. I’m a member of Aeroclub Keiheuvel, located in the north of Belgium.

Belgium is a small country and sponsorship isn’t easy. We all have to do it on ourselves. This made the Get Sponsored programme interesting for me. With the help of LXNAV, I was able to test the Nano 4 logger. A practical design in a small case, perfect for use at briefings, on the field and in the glider! It would fit club use as well.

I mostly fly a Discus 2T (TP) of my dad. It is equipped with a LX8000. The Nano was a perfect backup IGC logger to fly competitions (Bailleau 2019). My goals for the next year are to fly some comps like the Belgian Nationals, Bailleau 2020 and some local comps. My goal is a top 3 place in Bailleau, like the previous years.

Thanks to LXNAV for this sponsorship!


Hi, my name is Mathilde Metz from the Bailleau gliding club in France. I flew in several competitions this year using the Nano3 from LXNAV get sponsored.

It was the best! The Nano3 helped me be confident about my flight logs during championships, I new that nothing could go wrong as long as I had my Nano3 with me. The long-lasting battery was a real pleasure too! As I flew championships on several different gliders this year, having a Nano3 was handy to switch from one glider to another.

In the beginning of the season, I flew the Double seaters nationals with my boyfriend Nicolas who is also part of the LXNAV get sponsored deal. It was really fun to fly the championship together with the Nano3 that Nicolas got to try too in addition to his LX9050!

This year following the 2019 season I was selected to be part of the Pôle Espoir, thank you LXNAV for supporting me all the way !

Looking forward to some more flying with LXNAV devices!

Thank you LXNAV!


Hello, my name is Jelmer Vis. I’m from the Netherlands and 22 years old. Since 2012 I have been flying at a small aeroclub in the northern part off the Netherlands. Since the beginning of my flying, I always saw the big boys coming home in the afternoon with big stories. Sometimes they flew as much as 500 km, and I was really amazed. At one moment I really knew competition flying was made for me. After my first solo flight, a lot of people arrived at the aeroclub. They came from a one-day competition at a near airfield. They had even bigger stories.

This year I had the possibility to use an LX9050 via the get sponsored deal. This made it possible to have the best preparation for the Junior Worlds in Hungary. I really liked the device and in my opinion one of the best pieces off equipment, a pilot can have.

Get sponsored is a great program from LXNAV and really good help for the younger glider pilots!


I’m Jannes Stahf, 20 years old and from Berlin. I started gliding at the age of 14 at Lüsse Airfield. Since then my passion for cross country flights grew big. In 2019 I was part of the German Sportsoldiers and got to fly around 500 hours within one year. Nearly every flight was done with LXNAV equipment on board! In this year I participated at 4 competitions, including German 18-Meter Nationals. But to me, the most memorable moment this season was when I broke the 1000 km mark for the first time.

Most of the time I flew a Ventus 3 with LX9070 equipped, but I always used my sponsored Nano 4 as a backup. It’s very convenient to use. I think the touchscreen is, compared to Nano 3, a big upgrade in comfort and much more user-friendly.

Many thanks to LXNAV for providing sponsoring like this!


My name is Ionut Tudor, I am a 23 years old glider pilot from Romania. I started to fly in 2015 within Romanian Airclub. Throughout the year I fly around 8 glider types, but mostly the Std. Jantar and Discus 2a. I’m still in love with the Discus2a.

My biggest achievements this year were the second place at the 59th Romanian National Championship – Mixed class and a flight over 1000km along the Carpathian mountains. My next year goal is to participate in more competitions and improve my soaring skills.

I wanted to have a Nano 4 because of the mobility of this instrument. Considering that I don’t fly just a single glider throughout a season, I needed a small, portable and easy to use flight recorder.

Thank you LXNAV!


My name is Mike Bauer (23) and I’m flying on the military airfield in Ingolstadt at the sport flying group of the WTD 61. There I started gliding in 2010 and have been competing since 2017.

This year I had the great honour to be sponsored with a NANO4. It fitted perfectly into the LS4 with which I mainly flew that year. The small device is perfect for flying. It’s small and handy, but with the relatively large touchscreen, you can quickly read the most important flight parameters even in direct sunlight. All around a successful device that was not only used as a backup logger!

With the great support of LXNAV, I became the best junior at the German Seniors Championship and was allowed to participate for two weeks in Bitterwasser in the 1000km training camp of Wilfried Großkinsky.

Due to my sporting successes, I also got a Nimbus 4 aeroplane at my disposal for 2020. In this sense, thanks again to LXNAV, you are doing an excellent job!


My name is Oliver Andersson. I’m 28 years old, my club is Borås Glidingclub. I have gliding for 8 years and have 850 hours gliding! I have an own Ls1-f since 3 years back which I fly most frequently. Longest distance flown 729 km.

The instrument by my choice was a Standalone Vario S10 with AHRS, which has been a good friend this summer 2019! I have used the S10 as a vario and secondary logger, In Sweden it is also allowed to fly in clouds and in this situations the AHRS has been a really good friend. When I fly other gliders I often bring my Nano, then I feel safe anytime. My greatest achievements so far is first place at Swedish nationals club class 2018. Competitions 2019. Nationals in Norway and club class EGC in Slovakia.

I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to borrow the S10 Vario this season, and I`am sending my best regards to the LXNAV Team!


My name is Konrad and I’m 22. I’m a Polish glider pilot flying in Sweden at a club close to Stockholm.

My adventure with soaring started in 2014 and I got so hooked that two years later I bought my first glider, Jantar Standard 2. I got “tricked” out on my first cross country flight by my instructor. We were just flying around, I was following him. I asked him after a while where we were, then he told me we are over a city far away from home, I found it very encouraging and fun. Since then I have participated in many competitions. 2019 was the best year so far. I have flown further, faster and more than ever before and it’s very much thanks to LXNAV get sponsored program.

I got sponsored with LX8080 since the flight computer in my Jantar was very outdated and I wanted to upgrade my instruments. So I did not only change the computer but with some help, I redid the whole panel and electronic system. The lx8080 is a great help, very easy and intuitive to use, I’m extremely satisfied with it.

My ambitions for next year are even bigger, to compete in more regional and national competitions. Swedish Junior Championship is coming up this year and I really am looking forward to it.

Thank you LXNAV for this opportunity, you are doing a great job motivating and helping young and prosperous glider pilots.


My name is Kinga Tchorz and I am 25 years old. My club is Aeroklub Nadwiślański (north Poland). Since 2017 I am a member of Junior National Gliding Team. For me, gliding is a lifestyle and I’m trying to adapt everything to it, never the other way around. I want to promote gliding, fight with stereotypes and prove that gliders fly faster, higher, longer and further than they think.

In “GetSponsored” I have received Nano4 device, which I have tested in the whole 2019 season during competition and training flights. It’s an excellent device that combines mobility and practicality. The big advantage is the great battery capacity and compact size of the device. Thanks to the display readable during sunny days we can put in on instrument panel and use as primary GPS during cross-country flights. For me, it’s something more than just an IGC logger. It has a very comfortable function of sending flight records via Wi-Fi. The easy interface enables efficient use of the device and provides the ability to set preferred infoboxes.

Recently, I had an opportunity to fly with the LX9050, which contains all the necessary functions. Its versatile interface gives you the possibility to create your own profile, select the must-have infoboxes and adapt them graphically for your own taste. Someday if I will buy my own glider, the LX9050 or its development version will be definitely in it.


I’m Renate, 23 years from Germany and the magic of sailplane gliding managed to be my main interest for the last 9 years now! I am flying at LSV Thermik Alfeld and Akaflieg Hannover near my studies.

As I don’t have an own plane, I’m flying the clubs or friends gliders. As I have experienced a broken IGC file more then once by now, I sometimes borrowed a Nano. I loved the easiness, even though I wished for a bigger screen on the Nano³, I could still use it while flying the ASW19 from AMF.

Now, no matter which plane I fly, thanks to the Nano4, thoughts about not recording won’t bother me. I always have a reliable igc-logger and navigation system with me. Bluetooth port works perfectly for connection with phone or Waytec. Especially in the DG100 here space is rare the Nano4 is very useful.

Every time I used the Nano4 I just smile and can enjoy the beauty of soaring.

Thank you LXNAV for supporting young pilots!


My name is Maximiliano Luengo, I am from Argentine and I am very passionate about flying. From a very young age I went to the Rivadavia Gliders Club accompanying my brother Sebastián.
When I was old enough to be a glider pilot I started the course, three months later in August 2009 I graduated. Today I have more than 700 hours and three National Championships in the Club Class where I obtained good classifications, 3rd, 2nd and 10 °.
During this season I will try to fly the next National Club in the city of Chaves, making the most of the LXNAV instruments, the S8 and LX8000 that I have on the panel.
I am very grateful to LXNAV for this opportunity and I hope they can continue with this initiative.


My name is Jonas Zeller, I am 19 years old and my home airfield is Rheinstetten near Karlsruhe in Germany. Since I have got my license back in 2017 I flew about 500h. I love flying in the Black Gorest, on the Swabian Alb and in the Odenwald!

The season 2020 had a really bad start for nearly all glider pilots in Germany. Because of the strict lockdowns in Baden-Württemberg I wasn’t able to fly for a long time. In my case the season 2020 started at the end of may after I had written my a-level-exams. In 2020 I achieved some good cross country distances and mostly focused on the DMSt. My best flight in this season was a declared triangle with 670km and a free distance of nearly 800km in a LS4b-neo.

Most of the time I fly my clubs LS4b-neo, Discus 2ct or the DG1001T which are all equipped with LX80XX or LX90XX devices. In combination with the Nano 4 as a backup logger this is the perfect setup for competition, cross country and DMSt flying.

During all my flights the Nano 4 convinced me with the easy handling, the bright display and its good battery life. Also the easy way to declare a task was a nice feature of the Nano 4.

That‘s the reason why I can recommend the Nano 4 to every pilot! I am really thankful that LXNAV sponsored me for 2020 and I am locking forward to use this brilliant device for another year!


Good day fellow Glider Pilots :-). My name is Fabian Hoffmann, I am a 22 year old glider pilot from Vienna who started gliding in 2015. My homebase is the grass airfield Wiener Neustadt West – LOXN from where I collected the most of my around 800 flight hours in gliding.

I have been practising cross-country gliding for a few years now, and more and more my fascination for competition gliding has developed, as I find that one can learn the most in competition situations.
In 2020, LXNAV accepted me into their wonderful “GetSponsored” programme, for which I would like to thank them very much. I think it’s incredibly great how LXNAV is supporting junior gliding in particular, enabling young pilots to use the best equipment to get the most out of every flying day.

LXNAV supports me with the fantastic “NANO4” logger, which has served me perfectly on many great flights through its great functions and simple operation as well as the large battery capacity, you can simply put it in the side pocket and no longer have to worry about flight-recording. The NANO4 can also be used as a very functional flight computer.

Many thanks dear LXNAV Team 🙂


I am Lilla Szamosujvári, a 23-year-old glider pilot from Hungary. My gliding career started in 2016, attended my first competition in 2018, and became a member of the Junior National Team in 2020. Gliding became my life ever since.

As I don’t own a glider yet, I have been renting Jantars for whole seasons in the last three years so an equipment which I can carry and rely on was essential. I hope to buy a glider soon and equip it with the best equipment available which is LXNAV. The S100 will move with me of course, so I am one step closer to the final goal.

My Nano 3 was my first LXNAV equipment and has always been a great companion at every competition I have been to. As I am always keen to improve my skills, the S100 has always helped me to analyse every move of mine and find the core of the thermal more easily. The built in battery is the cherry on top.

I am incredibly grateful for this sponsorship and opportunity!


My name is Vincent Löffler and I am from Saxony, Germany.
I have been flying cross country a lot since 2019 and I am very excited to fly again.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to have a competition in 2020. For this reason, I am currently successfully participating in the so-called “German Cross Country Gliding Championship”, which is a decentralized competition in Germany. Moreover, 2020 was my second year of being a member of the Saxon squad.

Nevertheless, last year gave me the perfect opportunity to try out the sponsored Nano 4 logger. I used it both as a backup and as a screen for additional in-flight information. I was most impressed with the accuracy and brightness of the screen. I really enjoyed having a completely self-sufficient system on board. All of this is great in flight, but even on the ground the Nano 4 was much more comfortable than expected.

I really want to thank them for letting me have this great experience. So many thanks to LXNAV!


Hi! I am Balazs Endrodi, a 28 years old pilot from Hungary. I started gliding in 2008 at 14 years of age. Since then gliding became my life. My first competition experience was in 2010 and I have taken part in many competitions since, most of them in Hungary.

I am always trying to improve my flying, analyzing every flight and trying to have the best instruments available. Since 2019 I am lucky to have my own glider, an ASW-19B, FH which is constantly getting upgraded to perform better and better.

I was always flying with LXNAV equipment, be it the NANO3 or the PowerMouse, but when I had a chance to try a glider with the S10 vario, I immediately fell in love with how the indications are perfectly in sync with what I feel the air is doing. The IGC logger and the built in battery are just added bonuses, making it the complete vario package I needed for FH.

Thank you very much LXNAV for the sponsorship and I am looking forward to more success in the future!


I am Rick Meesters, 22 years old and started flying at the Aeroclub Salland in the Netherlands. Soon after I started I was impressed with the stories of cross country flying which motivated me to start doing this myself. The thing I like about gliding is getting the most out of the everyday challenge provided by the weather, especially in a competitive way.

At the end of 2019 I took over a Pegase c101a together with my brother and a friend which made it possible to adjust it to my own wishes. This brought me to the Get Sponsored programme which gave me the opportunity to fly with the S100 and the Trafficview57. This upgrade got me my desired instrument panel to get the most out of my flights. The S100 is the ultimate variometer for me, because it combines all the necessary information and functions in a compact device and provides you with very accurate measurements. The Travicview57 is a great addition to the S100, because the traffic around you is visualized all the time.

Due to corona the competitive flying was paused for me, but with a 700km flight as biggest achievement in 2020 the LXNAV instruments already proved their worth. I’m planning to participate in two competitions and a few smaller ones so let’s hope 2021 will bring us some more possibilities!

Big thanks to LXNAV for the sponsorship and for providing young pilots with the high-end equipment!


My name is Tom Wetzel, I am 20 years old and I live in Munich. I usually fly from our airfield near the Zugspitze in the Alps, but now and then also to the flatlands. Last year I was part of the Bundeswehr sports promotion group and had a whole year to fly. Unfortunately all major championships have been canceled, but I am confident that the German Junior Championship will take place in August.

I was also able to gain a lot of experience with different types of aircraft. In 2020 I had a Ventus 3 from the German Aeroclub, equipped with an LX9070, for one year. In addition to the Ventus I also had the opportunity to fly an Ls 8 Neo with an LX8000. This year I am a scholarship holder of the German Aeroclub and I am allowed to fly a Nimbus 4 with LX9050 for one year.

My biggest success was 1000km FAI with the Ventus last year. This year I was able to cover long distances from Puimoisson to far behind the Matterhorn, I also managed to fly from Germany to France and back the next day.

All of these successes would simply not be possible without this great junior sponsorship even from companies like LXNAV. I would like to thank you for how much you support the juniors. Of course, THANK YOU again for your reliable devices and the always good support.


I am Mikko Ylihärsilä 22 years old glider pilot from Finland. I started gliding in 2013 and now have around 600 hours of flight time. I started flying in competitions in 2017.

In 2020 i was fortunate enough to get sponsored by LXNAV and I got LX9000 with V9 which we installed on our Ls-7. I am more than satisfied with the LX9000. It gives me more than enough information.

If everything goes as planned for the season I will be participating in Finnish nationals and Junior European gliding championship at Pociunai in club class.


We are Bas Douma (28) and Sander Hofstee (27). We started gliding in 2009. During our training we became best friends. Since then it was our dream to one day be the owners of a beautiful glider. In May 2018 we finally saved up enough money and got the opportunity to buy a Std. Cirrus.

In 2019 we redesigned our instrument panel. Since we are a huge fan of LX NAV, we applied for the #GetSponsored program and we were very happy when we heard that LX NAV wanted to sponsor a S100 flight computer. We also bought the TrafficView to display traffic information from FLARM and ADS-B on a separate display for maximum safety and situational awareness. We’re convinced that this is the perfect setup!

We both flew the Dutch Junior’s (NJW) twice in the past few years. Bas has also participated in the Open Dutch Military Competition (OMK) in 2019, and since he’s still a student, he also flew the National Student Competition (NSK) in 2019. Both of us have logged over 1000 flights and 350 hours.

Our goal for 2022 is to make our first 500 km flight, to participate in various competitions and to become a flight instructor at our local club.

We’re really grateful to LX NAV for the sponsorship of this fantastic device and their support!


Hi! My name is Christopher – better known as Hanson – I am 22 years old and from Hamburg, Germany. In 2015, I started gliding at my home airfield Wenzendorf (at the northern edge of the Lüneburger Heide) and have collected 800 flight hours so far. Cross-country soaring piqued my interest directly after finishing my pilot license in 2017 and my first competitions followed in 2018. I applied for the Get Sponsored program by LXNAV in hope of my lucky third competition year 2020. As we all know, 2020 did not turn out to be a big year for gliding and all competitions in Germany were cancelled. My club was luckily able to begin our flight season in late May and with my first declared 600 km FAI triangle on an ASW 19 around Hanover, I was able to make some progress. Another highlight was my trip to the French Alps in late summer, where I had 9 awesome flights within our two weeks stay. The Get Sponsored Programme was extended for another year, but all competitions I applied for were cancelled in 2021 as well. Although the weather in northern Germany didn’t provide many good days for big cross-country flights, I still managed to earn an overall 8th place in club class in the DMSt (German cross-country soaring competition)!

During all those adventures I had my sponsored NANO 4 Logger with me. Since I don’t have my own glider, a mobile logger is essential if you switch between gliders, and you don’t want to worry about your flight logging. The NANO 4 also functions as a flight computer with complete navigation features which I used for backup navigation. Redundancy is very important in my opinion – I had enough inflight battery outages where I had to rely on my backup systems. Another well- programmed navigation device eases your mind and keeps you focused on the other important tasks while flying.

Thank you very much to LXNAV for sponsoring me during the last two years! I can highly recommend any young pilot to apply for their Get Sponsored program!


Hi! I am Matthieu Hénin a French glider pilot flying at the famous Bailleau Airfield in the center of France.

I started the glider in 2014. It’s a universe full of challenges where progress opportunities are endless. Today, I totalize 500 hours of flight. In 2020 I entered the French training group Pole Espoir and I had the chance to join the LXNAV GETSPONSORED. It is a wonderful opportunity to make know the LXNAV Products.

As I use to fly differents gliders, I always use the Nano4 which is a wonderful logger and help to navigation. I am totally confident even when I fly cross-country flights or competitions. The long-lasting battery allowed me to fly a 750 km task without any charging ! In competitions, delogging your flight on your phone and sending it to the scoring is a real pleasure ! No more stress taking out you computer and SD card !

Thanks LXNAV for supporting me in my gliding season!


My name is Max Maslak, I am 19 years old and fly in Bonn-Hangelar near Cologne, Germany. After my glider training I noticed directly that I have a lot of fun with competition flying. So I was able to achieve my first successes at my first competitions and make many new friends. With the sponsored S100 I replaced the old vario in the Kiwi from my father, which improved the flying with the glider significantly.

I am very curious how the new HAWK feature works which I still want to try out.

Many thanks to LXNAV and the #getsponsored program. I highly recommend the S100 as it is a very reliable, accurate and modern variometer.


Hi! My name is Henrik Theiss. I am 23 Years old and i am a glider pilot from Germany. My homeclub is Grabenstetten, which is located on the swabian alb. I started flying gliders at the age of 14. Since then i have flown over 1300 hours. I am regularily flying competitions, but i also love to fly long distance flights.

In the last 2 years I had the opertunity to fly the OLC Discus 2ct and another sponsored Glider. During this time LXNav sponsored me with the Nano4 Logger. I applied for this device, because I wanted to have a reliable Logger that isn’t dependant on the gliders power supply.

In that year i found that the Nano4 device is very reliable and easy to use. After the flight i can upload my flights really easy, because of the integrated LXNav Connect feature. Thank you LXNav!


My name is Sebastian Pöchlauer, I am 20 years old 5and I started flying about 5 years ago, in 2015. I am flying in the Austrian national team and since I’ve got my license I spend about 800 hours of glider flying in the air. I was born in an “flying family” and now I am flying in the 3rd generation, so a lot of my childhood has taken place on the airfield.

Since 2017 I am flying competitions which is amazing for me. I had the opportunity to fly the Austrian Junior Nationals and also the junior world gliding championship in Hungary 2019 with an Discus 2. I got sponsored with the Nano 4, which I used every flight and I was totally satisfied.

Many thanks to LXNAV for supporting me!


Hi, my name is Bibi and I’m from Czech republic. I grew up at the airfield Medlanky located in the South Moravian region in a pilot’s family.For a long time of my life I was not much into gliding on my own, but my father always took me once or twice a year for a flight and I liked it a lot. At the age 18-19 I came home with the idea that I would like to try it on my own and start Elementary training, but my parents weren’t excited.

Few years later with some saved money from summer jobs I made it through the Elementary training and I started to train cross country flying. In the first seasons I flew ASW 15B and attended some regional competitions and Junior National Championships.

After some years of flying experiences my father gave me the trust and let me fly his glider LAK17at. Unluckily in the first LAK season our old navigation and IGC Instrument gave it up. During the winter break I discovered the #getsponsoredby LXNAV program and applied for S100.

I became a member of the LXNAV team and the S100 became part of our LAK! We made it to fly my first FAI 500, we experienced flying in the Sauerland in Western Germany and I got excited about the HAWK!

Many thanks for supporting me!


I’m Jakub Kaczorowski, 22, gliding for 8 years in Włocławek (central Poland).

3 years into my career, I have started a big journey in life – competition flying. For 2 years I am honoured to fly in LXNAV team and use the best vario I have ever tried – S100.

In my club, advanced avionics were always a big problem. I was dreaming about flying with such equipement and now I cannot imagine my tasks without it. For almost 400 hours, LXNAV vario has never let me down, giving me the opportunity to fight for top places in polish competitions. I’m very grateful to LXNAV, because their support was one of the key factors to make my dream of flying in JWGC come true. In 2022 I am going to use

LXNAV layout again. Now it will be the LX9000 in our national team’s gliders.


I am 24 years old, and my home is the Oeventrop airfield in Sauerland. There I learned to fly and started to fly cross-country. In the meantime, I have spent about 1000 hours in the air, and I also like to fly competitions. From 2020 to the end of 2021, I was allowed to be a part of the “LX Get-Sponsored Program”.

Whether in competition, cross-country flight, the French Alps ore South Africa, the “LX-Nano4” has always been a very reliable enrichment in the cockpit. Compatibility with the other “LX” devices and the relaxed upload of flights with the Wi-Fi function are definitely a great added value for every pilot. That’s why I would like to thank the “LX-Team” once again for providing me and other young pilots with these opportunities. Keep up the good work, you are great!


My name is Julian and I am a 23 years old engineering student and glider pilot from Germany. I started flying at the age of 13 and soon after receiving my license started to explore the beauty and challenge of cross-country flight. For me, flying is and always was about challenging myself, discovering new aspects of this beautiful sport and experiencing the new perspectives that our hobby brings.

Being more efficient, going faster and further soon got my attention and I enjoyed the fast pace at which I was able to grow as a pilot through the intense experience of cross-country flying. First experiences in competitions followed and in 2019 I qualified for the German junior nationals in clubclass with my clubs Std. Cirrus.

For the 2020 competition season, LXNAV thankfully provided me with an LX Nano 4 which helped not only as a backup logger, but also provided very useful and solid backup navigation.
Unfortunately COVID 19 impacted my plans just as everyone elses, competitions were canceled and I was not able to attend centralized competitions. Still, I enjoyed flying FAI triangles and participating in the German decentralized “DMSt” competition and found a very good companion in the Nano 4 along the way.

LXNAV decided to make the Nano 4 available for me during the 2021 season as well, but unfortunately with competitions being canceled and university schedule colliding with the postponed junior nationals, I was again not able to attend any centralized competition. I still found ways to challenge myself in flying, outside of competitions and I am very grateful towards LXNAV for the support.